

Required Libraries:

August 5, 2004
hammer-http alpha code has been released.
July 27, 2004
The hammer-gui is nearly feature complete and has a minimal amount of work left to be completed before I can connect it to the hammer-http engine. An alpha release should be available by the end of this week, if not, early next week.
June 20, 2004
The GUI is coming along, and is looking ok on several different platforms. Here is a screenshot for those interested...
May 15, 2004
I are nearing a full alpha release of the xml processing core of hammer-http. The alpha release will preview the functionality of the console tool. At the time of Beta release my intention is to have GUI tools written in Qt to wrap around the console utility to facilitate ease of use.

Please see the project page for futher details.

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Greg Hookey <ghookey (at) users.sf.net>
Copyright (C) 2004